Archives for the month of: January, 2022

had so much putting these together…didn’t even mind running to the store for some metallic thread…which may start ending up on everything:)

While crafting this little ‘face’ appeared from my glue drippage. A happy little accident that just need to be captured as I added the cap of the glue as a ‘hat’

Not really but I just re-watched Staying Alive [1983] with John Travolta & Cynthia Rhodes & that song by Frank Stallone has been resonating in my head.

Anyhoo…perhaps it is true since my darks far outweigh my brights which found their way to the deep recesses of the trash bin!

I so wanted to use the bubblegum pinks & sunshine yellow but alas the greys & blacks won. I did discover that I like shades of oranges so thus this 1 was spared!!!

I think on my next play session I will ‘dirty’ my pinks & yellows & see how that goes…we shall see:)

This project made me work hard…why…because I refused to embrace the unmanageable chaos that was unfolding before me. I refused to embrace what I would term a ‘hot mess’ sitting on my worktable.

Let me explain…I keep a rather neat work area & usually pre-plan my projects. Slapping paint haphazardly not knowing the end result baffled my brain. Plus, while I have no problem having ink all over my hands…paint is another story!

I could not embrace this project until I let go & embraced the chaos. I could not embrace the chaos until I let go & just played. Thank-you Ms. Control for finally stepping out the way!!!

Sidenote: it took me 2 days just to stop finding turquoise paint everywhere!!!

This creation is sparked from Maya Angelou’s poem.

Absorbing her words made me evaluate how things have molded & impacted me. My life experiences have sometimes made me want to whoop for joy & at others times scream bloody-murder ‘tll my lungs burst!!!

Choosing the military as my profession allowed me to travel the world but it also made me realize how harsh it could be. I have seen things that I cannot un-do & heard things I cannot erase! I desperately want to forget the smells that could curdle one’s blood!

Sometimes the screams that I hear are not the echo of others but mine as I try to escape the sometimes madness going in my head.

It is only in having a relationship with God that I can know peace & joy. It is being His child that I know solace!!!

This 1st project of the year represents some of my favorite artist that have allowed me to craft the way I want to.

When I found myself floundering in 2006 as a crafting newbie…I needed something that represented me. My friends did not understand my need to ‘grunge’ things up or to splatter ink & paint. At that time I had never heard of the term ‘mixed media’

So instead of going with my heart…I stopped crafting…I stopped trying to express myself.

Then a bit of magic happeded —I saw Tim Holtz crumple up a piece of paper & then ink it—what?!!? This is just what I needed to resurrect my craftiness.

Donna Salazar taught me how to add bling to my grunge. A term she coined ‘girly grunge’.

Wendy Vecchi, Dyan Reaveley & Dina Wakley have taught me to step out of my box & try new things.

Thank-you so much Tim, Donna, Wendy, Dyan & Dina for giving me permission to craft without explanation!!!

Supplies Used: